Zajęcia z języka angielskiego

W programie rozwijanie zdolności i umiejętności językowych poprzez inspirującą zabawę i wyobraźnię oraz stymulowanie ciekawości i tolerancji wobec innych ludzi i kultur.

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Drużyna kangura

cykliczne zajęcia sportowe z profesjonalnym trenerem

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program kulinarny kuchcikowo

comiesięczny program kulinarny na którym dzieci przygotowują ciekawe potrawy i pyszne napoje

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– zajęcia rytmiczne


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Music instrument with music notes on white background illustration

What’s the problem?

bajkoterapia zajęcia stymulujące rozwój osobowy i poznawczy problem?

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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What’s the problem?

Metoda Ruchu Rozwijającego wg. Weroniki Sherborne prowadzone przez większość kadry, która ukończyła kurs z certyfikatem

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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What’s the problem?

Kodowanie na dywanie prowadzone przez większość kadry, która ukończyła kurs z certyfikatem

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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What’s the problem?

– fizjoterapia- cotygodniowe warsztaty z terapeutą

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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What’s the problem?

opieka Pedagoga

Trees are more important today than ever before. More than 10,000 products are reportedly made from trees. Through chemistry, the humble woodpile is yielding chemicals, plastics and fabrics that were beyond comprehension when an axe first felled a Texas tree.

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